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Meet the Content Monster

by Olivia Luper, Content Marketing Expert 

Marketing can be brutal—especially in this content-driven world.

It feels like we are constantly feeding the content monster to get ahead.

How much is enough?

Will it ever be satisfied?

You spend hours:

  • Crafting the perfect email
  • Filming the greatest video on Fed rate hikes known to man
  • Writing blogs Hemingway himself would be proud of


But even with your greatest efforts…it is hard to keep up! 

And let’s be honest…even if you are doing these things, they’re likely not at the top of your “OMG I can’t wait to go do this” list. A cold brew on a deck somewhere in the sunshine probably sounds a lot more appealing.

The truth is this (and trust me, some days I DO NOT like it any more than you do).

The content monster is NEVER satisfied. To stay top of mind, you’ve got to be:

  • Posting multiple times per week on social media 
  • Commenting, sharing, and liking 5x as...
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