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To the Advisor Mama with Little Ones

The struggle is real… or rather… the juggle is real. I see you and here’s how I survived. 

Right now you’re worried about dividend percentages AND how many ounces your little one is drinking. 

Sometimes you think more about your breastmilk reserves than your clients’ cash reserves. And that’s okay. 

The amount of sleep you get, when charted, looks like a very volatile stock market indeed. Purchase really good under eye concealer. 

And good Lord if you’re pumping–cleaning out those obnoxious little pieces in the sink in your break room. (Medela if you’re reading… Please find a solution that doesn’t involve 3,000 tiny parts that need to be cleaned no less than 2,341 times a day. Thank you.)

Embrace and enjoy this time. Lean into the crazy. 

Some days showing up at the office with the same color shoes on is a huge win. I definitely had an impromptu “black and navy day” once… or twice. It’s fun. 

You’re building your empire, and you’re feeling that pressure,.

It’s okay to just keep your head above water. This is just a season. And, you’ll come out on the other side with a whole new skill set you didn’t even know you had. And you will be a BOSS. 

I just want you to know that it’s hard…. But possible. Any time you want to share a war story… I’m here and have plenty. I was still in the postpartum mesh undies when the market crashed in 2008… so that was fun! But 12 years after that, I sold my business and retired at 37. You can literally do anything you put your mind to mama. 

Those first days when you drop off that baby at daycare and you’re crying on your way to the office thinking you’re the worst mom in the universe. You’re not. Three weeks later you’ll practically be tossing that pumpkin seat to the lady in the infant room and yelling “peace out baby!” over your shoulder. Or maybe that was just me!?

You’ll have days as they grow that you feel like you’re on your email too much. Looking at that phone. It’s okay. You realize it. That alone is huge. 

I want you to know you’re not alone. It gets better. It becomes a different kind of hard. 

And oh the Baby Brain…..I sat in front of a client and couldn’t remember basic terms like “dividend” or “income stream.”  Your body LITERALLY just completed a miracle… It’s going to be a  while for your brain to catch up with how amazing that was. (Honestly, you made LUNGS and EYEBALLS… it’s crazy!)

Here’s what got me through:

  1. Building  simple systems and processes that I could teach someone else to do!
  2. Being okay with what God put in front of me. And knowing that I can’t compare my growth to other advisors. 
  3. A community of advisors… somehow our regular girlfriends just don’t get the complexity and weirdness of this job (if you need one, The Efficient Advisor Community on Facebook is a great start!).
  4. Women who had gone before me in this business cheering me on.
  5. Asking for help… remember that dude who knocked you up? It’s fair to ask a LOT of him.
  6. Get off social media… it’s fine if you didn’t get to the pumpkin patch and do a full on photo shoot in matching plaids. Your kids will still love you. 
  7. Take care of you - you can’t pour into others if your bucket is empty
  8. Leave the office at the office … But when you’re there kick some butt
  9. Remember those emails will be there when you get there on Monday… But those giggles and the hilarious things kids say won’t be.
  10. My mom. Moms are the best. Which makes you the best, mama. 

My stock market crash of 2008 baby is a teenager now. He’s seen firsthand a strong woman building her empire while also kicking butt at Candy Land. King Kandy ain’t got nothin’ on me. 

You’re the one making sure that the uniform is clean and folded…. and that you got the gluten-free, nut-free, dairy-free, nonGMO snacks and drinks without high fructose corn syrup for the WHOLE TEAM.

Order the cookies from the bakery for that bake sale. It’s fine. And Costco makes some darn fine muffins. 

This is a BEAUTIFUL career. It’s your journey. Do it your way. 

They grow up—which is totally rude on their part… And totally awesome to witness.

And I know there will be a man that reads this.... It was hard for you too and I see you as well. And you got this too dad. No one is discounting the amount of work it takes for a TEAM to raise a HUMAN. We need you and don’t doubt that for a second!

I see you sis and you’re doing an AMAZING job, even if you don’t feel like it. 

I am rooting for you!!!


Happy Working Moms Day!


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