The number one question I got from advisors for YEARS and still get today, is "Libby, HOW DID YOU GET IT ALL DONE IN 25-HRS a week? I’m over here drowning and i’m putting in double that!"
I feel that on so many levels because that was me early on.
And the number one question I got from corporate folks is… "if you could share just ONE thing with advisors from an efficiency standpoint…. Especially advisors in those early years of their careers, what would you share?"
Luckily, the answer for both of those questions is the same thing! I get to kill two birds with one stone. But what that means, is that this is foundational to working efficiently!
In today’s episode I’m going to drill down 16+ years of compressing a billion hours a week into just 25 and what I learned about designing the perfect schedule.
This perfect schedule, or what I call a Model Week, is a schedule that you’ve designed, with intention, that suits your personality, for your business goals, with your energy levels, and your work/life balance objectives in mind.
In this podcast Libby will cover:
And, of course, I give you my template so that you can build your own model week! My goal is to help you not have to recreate the wheel… so use mine!
Tweak, test, reiterate... this is truly a process of trial and error. Let me help you along the journey by giving you a head start. Here's the simple template I use to sketch out my Model Week.
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