You might remember just a short period of time ago when Jeremy was on the podcast sharing how he TRIPLED his referral in just 1 year… it was so good.
Well, when were recording that episode we were just riffing on other things and you know I talk A LOT about stepping into that CEO role and really RUNNING your business instead of it running you.
And, Jeremy and I were chatting and I thought you would like to hear some of the tips and tricks that he’s uncovered that have propelled his practice into the stratosphere.
So I invite you in to join our discussion and I know you will walk away with a ton of ideas that you can implement in your business RIGHT AWAY.
Links from Today’s Episode
You and your team can take your Kolbe - A Index personality profile here and learn more about Right Fit.
Link to the Kitces article on how to set up your office for success!
Learn more about motivational interviewing here!
Books Jeremy mentioned... Rocket Fuel & EOS Life
Successful businesses don’t get built alone. You need community! You need collaboration! Join us in The Efficient Advisor Community on Facebook.
Check out more FREE resources and our FREE video library at
Curious about the Efficient Advisor Group Coaching & Mastermind? Get on the waitlist her for more information on the next session.
Check out Jeremy's website here!
And don't miss Jeremy's podcast, Retirement Revealed, here!
Join our private Facebook group where advisors from all over the world share best practices, what's working, what's not working, and free content and coaching! When you click "Check It Out" you'll be directed to the group. Click "join group.
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