$999.00 USD

6 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

During our 10 months together you might find yourself wanting additional time to work through implementing a concept in your business. While we have live calls and office hours, we have found that it's helpful to get some additional time to really customize something for your specific needs. If you'd like to add on some one-one laser coaching sessions, you can do so at a discount. These two sessions will include a 30-minute Zoom call (recorded) with Libby for personalized coaching. 

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Group Coaching January 2025 Thursdays 12:00 - 1:00pm EST


What you'll get:

  • Weekly interaction with Libby and your group (there will be time off for catch up and holiday breaks)

  •  Access to a private facebook group for just your mastermind

  •  All sessions will be recorded and made available in your group’s private Facebook group

  •  Weekly action plans so you know what to do and when to do it

  •  Workbooks, templates, checklists, samples and examples galore

  •  Individual ‘Hot Seat Coaching’ just for you and your business

  •  Prescheduled office hours to check in and ask personalized questions

Get ready to create, implement, and move forward on those big dreams and goals you have for your business!